Once upon a time, there was a quaint farming village nestled upon a hillside. There were six farmsteads and three families peacefully tending their produce. The village cemetary was nearby, where previous generations were laidContinue reading
Category: Family Games
Draw or you’re a Dead Man
Dead Man’s Draw is a card game that was actually first released as a free-to-play digital app by Stardock Entertainment. It’s a simple push-your-luck game with many twists. I recall saying to myself back then,Continue reading
Sexy Paperback
The board game industry is amidst a boom of talent and innovation. Thousands upon thousands of designers are becoming recognized. Publishers are gobbling each other up, in the hopes of becoming the top big shots.Continue reading
Gift of Gaming Day II
Letting the kids at He Cares Mission experience the simple joy of learning new board games is such a blessing. I thank all our supporters and volunteers for making another day of gaming memorable.
2014 Victory Points
VariablePlay’s first annual lookback at boardgaming highlights This year was a good start for VariablePlay, but an even better year for the board gaming scene. Here’s the recap of all the coolest and most memorableContinue reading
Better than just Toys
Ever attended a children’s birthday and pondered what’s worth giving? Finding reasonable gifts for your friends and relatives becomes more crucial, especially with the holidays around the corner. Before you resort to yet another NerfContinue reading
Which board game genre is for you?
With hundreds of titles in stores today, where to start playing often baffles newcomers, but deciding what board game best fits shouldn’t be daunting. Answer this quiz and to help find your inner dice roller.Continue reading
Young Gamers, Tomorrow’s Leaders
A gamer friend, Paulo, asked a question: “At what age is it best to start teaching kids board games?” It’s a relevant question for parents, who want to equip their kids with desirable life skills.Continue reading
The old-fashioned way to raise young geniuses in the digital age
I realized my niece was superhuman. Her eyes darted from YouTube on her tablet to the movie on TV, while chatting with her siblings on winning a game she was playing on the pc withContinue reading