1. Have Fun. Let’s be honest. We are doing this because we want to play. Even if there were only two of you, play board games! It’s the perfect time to bring out games like EclipseContinue reading
PlataPorma – Political Story Telling Game. Free Print-to-Play. Designed by Ronald Villaver. CC Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) Sure about your bets this coming election? What makes your candidates stand above the rest? Use showmanship, quick witsContinue reading
Golden Geek Award goes to Pandemic Legacy
Pandemic Legacy hands down won Golden Geek Board Game of the Year award. It did so by also winning foremost innovative, first in Strategy and best in Thematic. Check out the rest of the winnersContinue reading
Why we play tabletop games.
Some people shy away at the thought of tabletop games. They find this is only a waste of their precious time when they could be doing something else instead. To them, these are just games;Continue reading
The things we do for love.
The musician entangled in an embrace with his cello, candlelight flickered and danced about. The fragrance of lush sauces, herbs and spice filled the air as much as the sounds of bustling of pots andContinue reading
Give and Take
Our beautiful little part of the world of board gaming is growing day bay day. More and more people congregate and get a glimpse of this fun hobby. The very premise of give and takeContinue reading
Top 10 things I am thankful for, last 2015
2015 was a great year in board gaming, both locally and globally. There were so many considerable games, the leading reviewers were having a hard time to cut down their list. Here’s my top 10Continue reading
Just Keep Talking or Else
The guys play the KeepTalkingGame.com with Ron as the one trapped, Pao, Jose and DJ are the experts helping him figure his way out. Awesome digital game, that in all essence is a properly designedContinue reading
A Game of Thrones 2nd Age
SPOILER ALERT: Jon Snow is really dead, but in the card game, he’s alive! Branding anything with “A Game of Thrones (aGoT)” turns anything to gold. Years ago, when Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) made anContinue reading
Simply Epic
The Wild demigod’s eyes glimmer gold. The ground cracks, and from a deep fissure out rumbles an 18-storey Burrowing Wurm. Its shriek sounding like a thousand caravans dragged beneath the sands. To this terror, theContinue reading